
Is Singtel (SGX: Z74) A Good Dividend Stock Now?

Singtel Limited (Singtel) is a leading telecommunications company with a global presence and a strong foothold in the Asia-Pacific region. This investment thesis aims to evaluate Singtel’s investment potential based on its full-year 2023 results. Through a comprehensive analysis of its financial performance, market position, growth strategies, and potential risks, this thesis will provide insights into Singtel’s outlook and its attractiveness as an investment opportunity.

Financial Performances

Singtel’s full-year 2023 results showcased a resilient performance despite the challenges posed by the rapidly evolving telecommunications industry. The company reported steady net profit growth of 14% year-on-year, driven by its diversified business segments, including mobile, broadband, enterprise services, and digital businesses. Singtel’s ability to adapt to changing customer needs and monetize emerging technologies contributed to its solid financial performance.

It announced a full year dividends of 14.9 cents, up 60% year-on-year. it is currently trading at 5.8% dividend yield.

Singtel dividends
Singtel’s dividends (Source: Singtel’s investor presentation)

Furthermore, Singtel’s focus on cost optimization and operational efficiencies helped maintain healthy profit margins, ensuring sustainable profitability even in a competitive landscape. The company’s commitment to prudent capital management and strong cash flow generation provides a stable foundation for future growth and shareholder returns.

Competitive Advantages

Singtel’s strong market position in the Asia-Pacific region, coupled with its extensive network infrastructure, provides a competitive advantage. The company’s well-established brand, broad customer base, and strategic partnerships contribute to its leadership in the telecommunications sector.

Singtel’s comprehensive suite of services, including mobile, fixed-line, broadband, and enterprise solutions, enables it to cater to a diverse range of customers and capture multiple revenue streams. Additionally, its investments in advanced technologies, such as 5G, cloud computing, and cybersecurity, position Singtel as a key player in the digital transformation era.

Industry Trends and Growth

Singtel’s strategy reset revolve around digitalization, customer-centricity, and expansion into adjacent businesses. The company is actively pursuing opportunities in emerging areas such as digital services, data analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), and smart city solutions. Singtel’s investments in innovative start-ups and strategic partnerships bolster its position as a leading digital service provider.

Singtel repositioning
Singtel’s Strategy Reset (Source: Singtel’s investor presentation)

Furthermore, Singtel’s international expansion initiatives, particularly in high-growth markets like India, Indonesia, and Thailand, offer additional growth opportunities. These markets present untapped potential for Singtel to leverage its expertise and capture a larger customer base, driving future revenue growth and market penetration.

Risks and Challenges

Singtel operates in a dynamic and highly competitive industry, which poses certain risks and challenges. Key factors to monitor include regulatory changes, disruptive technologies, and evolving customer preferences. Singtel’s ability to adapt to market shifts, effectively manage competition, and maintain relevance in an increasingly digital landscape will be critical to its long-term success.

Additionally, macroeconomic factors, such as economic downturns and currency fluctuations, may impact Singtel’s international operations and profitability. The company must also navigate cybersecurity risks and data privacy concerns to safeguard customer trust and protect its reputation.

Margin of Safety

1. Domestic competitors

Singtel faces competition from other major telecommunications players in Singapore, including:

  • StarHub Ltd: StarHub is a prominent competitor in Singapore, offering a range of mobile, broadband, and TV services. It has a significant market presence and competes with Singtel across various customer segments.
  • M1 Limited: M1 is another key competitor in the Singaporean telecommunications market, providing mobile, fixed-line, and broadband services. M1 has been acquired by Konnectivity, a joint venture between Keppel Corporation and Singapore Press Holdings, which could impact the competitive dynamics in the future.

2. International competitors

Singtel’s international operations also subject it to competition from regional and global players in various markets. Some notable competitors include:

  • China Mobile: China Mobile is the largest telecommunications operator in China and one of the largest in the world. It competes with Singtel in the Asian market, particularly in areas such as enterprise solutions, roaming services, and international connectivity.
  • Bharti Airtel: Bharti Airtel, based in India, is a leading telecommunications company with a strong presence in South Asia and Africa. Singtel has a strategic partnership with Bharti Airtel, but they also compete in certain areas, such as enterprise services and international connectivity.
  • Telstra: Telstra is an Australian telecommunications provider and a key player in the Asia-Pacific region. It competes with Singtel in areas such as enterprise solutions, managed services, and international connectivity.

3. Digital Players and Disruptive Technologies

Singtel also faces competition from digital players and disruptive technologies that are reshaping the telecommunications industry. These include:

  • Over-the-top (OTT) services: OTT providers like WhatsApp, Skype, and WeChat offer communication and messaging services that compete with traditional voice and messaging services provided by Singtel.
  • Internet companies: Internet giants such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon have expanded their presence in the telecommunications space, offering services like cloud computing, content streaming, and digital advertising, which can overlap with Singtel’s offerings.
  • Emerging technologies: The rise of technologies such as 5G, Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI) presents both opportunities and challenges for Singtel. These technologies can disrupt traditional telecommunications services and open new avenues for competition.

Singtel’s ability to differentiate itself through its network infrastructure, service quality, innovative offerings, and strategic partnerships will be crucial in maintaining its competitive edge in the dynamic telecommunications landscape.


Singtel’s full-year 2023 results demonstrate its resilience, solid financial performance, and strategic positioning in the telecommunications industry. The company’s diversified business segments, commitment to digital transformation, and expansion into growth markets provide a strong foundation for future growth.

While challenges and risks persist, Singtel’s proactive approach to innovation, customer-centricity, and international expansion enhances its potential for sustained success. Investors seeking exposure to the telecommunications sector and the growing digital economy should consider Singtel as an attractive investment opportunity.

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